St. John's Wort Passion Flower Anti-Anxiety Capsules

Updated: Nov 03, 2020

St. John's Wort Passionflower Anti-Anxiety Capsules
General Information
  • Pills & Capsules
  • Oral
  • Easy
  • 12 minutes
  • 50 capsules



When searching for a safe, effective remedy for anxiety, consider herbal capsules! These anti-anxiety capsules contain two powerful herbs that will help you regain your tranquility. St. John's wort has been shown beneficial for treating depression and anxiety, while passion flower was proven to have anxiety-calming effects. Because they have not been linked to major side effects, one can enjoy their sedative properties without the unpleasant side effects of conventional medications.

  1. Mix all of the herbs in a large bowl.(2 minutes)
  2. Fill the capsules with the herbal mixture until all is used up.(10 minutes)
  3. Store the capsules in an air-tight container.

You may take 1-2 of these anti-anxiety capsules with St. John's wort and passion flower daily. For optimal results, consult the dosage with your doctor.