Homemade Seed Crackers with Maca

Updated: May 14, 2024

Homemade Seed Crackers with Maca
General Information
  • Breads & Crackers
  • Savory
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
  • Vegan
  • Gluten-Free
  • 6-8 servings


  • 6 teaspoons of HerbaZest Maca Powder
  • 1/2 cup of flax (seeds)
  • 1/2 cup of pumpkin (seeds)
  • 1/2 cup of sesame (black & white seeds)
  • 1/2 cup of chia (seeds)
  • 1/2 cup of quinoa (raw; any variety)
  • 1/2 cup of sunflower (seeds)
  • 1 1/2 cups of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt


These seed crackers with maca are pretty, delicious, and - most importantly - packed with nutrients. They are enhanced with maca, a South American superfood that is rich in sterols and fatty acid amides credited to its hormone-balancing potential. Besides being an excellent source of fiber, these homemade crackers also offer quinoa's protein, pumpkin's selenium, sunflower's vitamin E, chia's omega-3 fatty acids, or flax's lignans, among other essential nutrients.

  1. Place of all the ingredients in a bowl, leaving the water and maca powder out.(2 minutes)
  2. Heat up the water until warm and add the maca powder. Stir to dissolve.(2 minutes)
  3. Pour the water over the seeds, mix well, and set aside for half an hour stirring occasionally.(30 minutes)
  4. Preheat the over to 300°F (150°C). Meanwhile, line a baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone mat and spread the mixture thinly into the sheet (about 4-5 mm thick). Depending on the size of your baking sheet, you may want to use two.(5 minutes)
  5. Bake until crispy, about 40 minutes. Then take out of the oven and set aside to cool completely. Break the crackers up with your fingers and transfer in an airtight container. Enjoy!(40 minutes)

These maca seed crackers have a lovely flavor on their own. You may also top them with your favorite spreads, like red pepper hummus with sacha inchi, garlic guacamole, maca hummus, or cheese spread with radishes and chives as well as fresh veggie slices, like avocado, cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, or tomato.

You may also experiment with other seeds and grains, like buckwheat, amaranth, or psyllium husks.