Cinnamon Arracacha Porridge with Walnuts

Updated: Aug 07, 2023

Cinnamon Arracacha Porridge with Walnuts
General Information
  • Breakfast
  • Sweet
  • 9 minutes
  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten-Free
  • 2 servings


  • Arracacha Flour
    Arracacha Flour
  • Honey
  • Whole milk
    Whole milk
  • Vanilla extract
    Vanilla extract
  • Salt
  • 1/4 cup of HerbaZest Arracacha Flour
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (or maple syrup)
  • 2 cups of milk (or non-dairy)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Salt (a pinch)
  • 2 tablespoons of walnut (for garnish)


This cinnamon arracacha porridge is a quick and satisfying breakfast. Besides being rich in easily-digestable carbohydrates, arracacha is also a good source of nutrients like iron and vitamin B3. Lightly sweetened with honey, flavored with vanilla and cinnamon, and garnished with walnuts, this creamy porridge is a lovely way to start your day.

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and add in the arracacha, ground cinnamon, vanilla extract, salt, and honey. Mix to combine.(2 minutes)
  2. Put the heat on to medium-low and simmer for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly.(5 minutes)
  3. When it becomes thick and creamy, take it off the stove and pour into serving bowls.(2 minutes)