RSS feed

What is an RSS feed?

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a format that allows users to share web-based content through automatically updated links. Sites like HerbaZest can provide public RSS feeds that include recipes, health-related articles, book summaries, and related news. Subscribers to these feeds use software to include this information on their own websites, or to read the information directly.

HerbaZest offers several "Daily Information" RSS feeds organized into topics. Each feed includes several posts of different types, with brief descriptions and a link to the full content.

What are the terms of use?

HerbaZest RSS content feeds are provided free of charge for use by individuals and non-profit organizations for personal, non-commercial uses. We encourage you to use these feeds, so long as you provide proper attribution to HerbaZest and do not alter the content, be it graphic, audiovisual, or textual.

If you provide this attribution in text, please use "" If you provide an image for this attribution, please use the HerbaZest logo provided within each of the feeds. We reserve all rights of the HerbaZest logo, and your right to use the HerbaZest logo is limited to providing attribution in connection with these RSS feeds.

HerbaZest reserves the right to require you to cease accessing or distributing these feeds at any time and for any reason without prior notice.

What kind of content does HerbaZest syndicate via RSS?

HerbaZest offers the feeds below in RSS 2.0 format. Please see the "Terms of Use" section for more information.

HerbaZest provides two different link styles for each feed below. Clicking the button links directly to the RSS file; some news aggregators will allow you to "drag" this button into the reader to subscribe, while in other cases, you may need to enter the feed's URL (listed below) directly.

RSS Feed